Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

SAP Business One substring formula for leading zero number print out

this is a right$ (in vb) compare to sap business one report/print out template formula.
000012390 where 12390 is the numeric data from database table field.

to output the field in print out/report.
  1. put the number field to format from database into report and set the field invisible.
    for example the field name: field_99.
  2. put a new text field with the leading zero desired by concatenating the field_99.
    the formula:
    concat("000000000", field_99)
    set the field into invisible (let say this field named: field_100).
  3. put a new text field capture the number field length using this formula:
    set the field invisible, for example the field name: field_101.
  4. put a new text field to output the number field with leading zero with this formula:
    substring(field_100, field_101 - 9, field_101)

the number field should be concatenating with "0000000" then add a new field to capture the concatenated field length and substring the concatenating the field with desired leading zero
in the example will return 9 characters.

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Sabtu, 15 November 2008

wine, vb6, notes8

untuk dapat menginstall lotus notes 8 dan vb6 di linux, anda dapat mempergunakan wine sbg salah satu feature di linux.
berikut ini adalah cara menginstall wine di opensuse 11:

  1. jalankan program Yast2 (dari gnome-terminal ketikkan yast2 dan tekan enter)

  2. pilih software - software management sehingga terbuka layar package management dari opensuse.

  3. ketikkan wine pada kotak search (di gambar diatas sih, tidak ada di kotak isian, tapi kalau belum pernah diinstall, biasanya akan ada pilihan wine). double-click/pilih lah wine tersebut untuk diinstall.
  4. tekan tombol apply, selanjutnya wine akan terinstall di opensuse 11 anda.
gampang kan ?

kalau sudah terinstall wine nya, kemudian bisa ikuti langkah berikut ini,
dari gnome-terminal, ketikkan perintah: winecfg lalu tekan enter.

pilihlah windows xp di windows version spt pada gambar:

selanjutnya, tekan OK.

cara install vb6 di wine

sekarang caranya menginstall vb6 di wine dapat dilakukan sebagai berikut:
  • copy cd setup vb6 kedalam satu folder di home misal: di /home/vb6source.
  • masuk ke gnome-terminal dan kemudian ketikkan cd /home/vb6source
  • di folder dimana ada setup.exe ketikkan wine setup.exe
  • selanjutnya anda dapat melakukan proses installasi vb6 spt halnya di windows.
bila telah selesai installasi,

Rabu, 05 November 2008

modification for extjs ext.ux.notification

this is my modification for extjs ext.ux.notification
the plugins looks great to show the notification windows.
and this is my contribution for the plugins:


Rabu, 24 September 2008

how to enable php5 fastcgi in lighttpd webserver

php5 fastcgi on lighttpd server.
from linux distro,
1. install lighttpd
2. install php5

open gnome-terminal or kkonsole
type su - root
enter the root password

- go to /etc/lighttpd folder, type: cd /etc/lighttpd (press enter)

- edit modules.conf,
- uncomments the lines: #include "conf.d/fastcgi.conf" by removing the # character.
- edit the fastcgi.conf by typing: vi conf.d/fastcgi.conf
- uncomments the lines from:
#fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
# )
## Ruby on Rails Example


fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
( "php-local" =>
"socket" => socket_dir + "/php-fastcgi-1.socket",
"bin-path" => server_root + "/cgi-bin/php5",
"max-procs" => 1,
"broken-scriptfilename" => "enable",
( "php-tcp" =>
"host" => "",
"port" => 9999,
"check-local" => "disable",
"broken-scriptfilename" => "enable",

( "php-num-procs" =>
"socket" => socket_dir + "/php-fastcgi-2.socket",
"bin-path" => server_root + "/cgi-bin/php5",
"bin-environment" => (
"max-procs" => 5,
"broken-scriptfilename" => "enable",

- adjust the php fastcgi information in php.ini.
vi /etc/php5/fastcgi/php.ini
find the line :
uncomment the line.
- last thing is:
ensure the lighttpd user can access to sessions folder, path and modules.
i.e, by default the php session located in /var/lib/php5 folder,
then, you can change the default php folder or give lighttpd permission to the folder by using this command:
chown -vR lighttpd:root /var/lib/php5

Done. now, you have the fastcgi webserver powered by lighttpd and php as cgi (fastcgi).

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

icecast on linux

try this:

- opensuse 11,
- icecast 2 server,
- darkice and darksnow,

all you can download in http://software.opensuses.org
to install icecast 2 just click in 1click install in the opensuse software search web.
to install darkice an darksnow just find in the opensuse web,
just make sure, you have liblame, libflac, libvorbis and any other library related to the mp3/mtp things installed.

and the results, you have the internet radio on your linux.
happy linux.

Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

Aptana --- Jaxer

apache-jaxer-aptana-extjs what a cool combination. this is the jaxer homepage. server side ajax call ? cool.

Jumat, 11 April 2008


i found that icecast was very cool, under opensource license. just install icecast, oddcast and winamp, we can have our own ip based radio. cool.....

here's the link

Selasa, 15 Januari 2008


this sql query should return records from tables in 2 or more database. it's quite simple just put the database name in front of the table you want to display/query.

SELECT <db1>.<table1>.*, <db2>.<table2> FROM

<db1> LEFT OUTER JOIN <db2>

ON <db1>.<table1>.<key1> = <db2>.<table2>.<key2>

it's easy