Sabtu, 16 Juni 2007

Limit Pop3 in domino to download only certain email

this will avoid to download all email from your inbox with the domino server.

modify the ($POP3) view and put this into View Selection:

DEFAULT DeliveredDate := "";
SELECT DeliveredDate > @Adjust(@Now;0;0;-3;0;0;0);

this, will return sets of email delivered in the last 2 days based on formula.
or you can modify the DeliveredDate with @Adjust formula to match with your requirement.

easy. but it works and help us to download only today / range of date.

Senin, 05 Maret 2007


this the VB version of DBLOOKUP and DBCOLUMN:

Function SQL_GETTABLEDATA(ByVal f_Table As String, ByVal f_RetCol As String, ByVal f_KeyCol As String, ByVal f_KeyVal As String, ByVal b_KeyNumeric As Boolean, Optional bDISTINCT As Boolean = True) As String

On Error GoTo errSQL_GetTableData

Set SQL_Res_Temp = Nothing
Set SQL_Res_Temp = New ADODB.Recordset
SQL_Res_Temp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
If f_KeyCol <> "" And f_KeyVal <> "" Then
's_SQL = "Select " & IIf(bDISTINCT, "DISTINCT", "") & " [" & f_Table & "].[" & f_RetCol & "] from [" & f_Table & _
"] Where cstr([" & f_Table & "].[" & f_KeyCol & "])=" & _
IIf(b_KeyNumeric, "", "'") & cADO.ValidateStringForSQL(f_KeyVal) & _
IIf(b_KeyNumeric, "", "'") & ";"
s_SQL = "Select " & IIf(bDISTINCT, "DISTINCT", "") & " [" & f_Table & "].[" & f_RetCol & "] from [" & _
f_Table & "] Where CONVERT(VARCHAR(255),[" & f_Table & "].[" & f_KeyCol & "])=" & _
IIf(b_KeyNumeric, "", "'") & cADO.ValidateStringForSQL(f_KeyVal) & _
IIf(b_KeyNumeric, "", "'") & ";"
s_SQL = "Select " & IIf(bDISTINCT, "DISTINCT", "") & " [" & f_Table & "].[" & f_RetCol & "] from [" & f_Table & _
End If

If cADO.ExecuteSQL(s_SQL, , , , , SQLRecAff, SQLRecCnt, SQLErrNum, SQLErrDesc, SQL_Res_Temp) = False Then
GoTo doneSQL_GetTableData
End If
With SQL_Res_Temp
If SQLRecCnt < 1 Then GoTo doneSQL_GetTableData
SQL_GETTABLEDATA = IsNullEx(SQL_Res_Temp.Fields(0).Value, "")
End With
If Not (SQL_Res_Temp Is Nothing) Then
If SQL_Res_Temp.State = 1 Then SQL_Res_Temp.Close
End If
Set SQL_Res_Temp = Nothing
Exit Function
Resume doneSQL_GetTableData
End Function